Maine Film Motherhood Session

Jennifer Mejia

Lex has been a client of mine for years and I am so grateful to have captured such precious moments for her. Lex is an incredible photographer  (and human) with two sweet littles. When her oldest was about 4-5 months old, she scheduled a beautiful film studio session with her, to commemorate the fleeting moments that were passing by. She told me, every time I saw her, how it was her favorite session to date. When her littlest came along, she scheduled a newborn session in her home but knew she wanted to come back into the studio for another full film session. We focused fully on the quiet moments that her youngest gives her, she reminisced over the last few months of little R’s life, and we talk about how hard being a mother is (and how that’s rarely talked about). Little R is so much bigger now, so when Lex looks back on these photos she remembers, again, the fleeting moments that seem like such a distant memory.


What I love most about these beautiful sessions in my studio is that the room is filled with soft music, tender moments, and truth. Mothers are often working so hard to be the best version of themselves without actually taking time FOR themselves… they’re often not in photographs enough, either. I love that Lex holds this special time for each of her babies to focus on them alone. It can be hard to see the relationship between yourself (as a mama) and your second child because of the relationship already existing with your first… but just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it isn’t special.


The studio is warming up, your favorite music is on and it’s cleaned any time someone comes in OR out. I’d love for you to book your motherhood studio session, next.

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